An indie developers dream - The Unreal Grant

Many indie developers who use Epic Games Unreal Engine dream of being selected to receive a grant from the owner and developer of the engine. And for the developers of MOTHERGUNSHIP, this dream came true a few weeks ago when Epic Games contacted them, informing them they were selected to receive a grant.

In the newsletter the developers stated in response to the grant: 

MOTHERGUNSHIP is but one of seventeen titles to be picked for this round of grants, receiving a grand total of $275,000 between them for their projects.

MOTHERGUNSHIP is coming to Gamescom this year

Along with the announcement of receiving a grant from Epic Games, the team followed up by announcing that MOTHERGUNSHIP will be coming to Gamescom (22-26 August at Cologne, Germany) this year. While they gave little in detail about their attendance at Gamescom, they did say:

The devs followed up by giving insight into what they have been working on recently in the game’s development that includes new enemies, designing new technologies and refactoring old ones. They stated:

This was followed by announcing the team has grown recently, with the new additions of a 3D artist, animator and an intern who will be helping with the coding.

They finished up the newsletter with:

While keeping low on details right now, particularly when it comes to their showcase at Gamescom, it seems that the Terrible Posture Games and Grip Digital will reveal more over the coming weeks in relation to it.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more MOTHERGUNSHIP news as it develops.