Strange rays of light seem to be driving monsters out of their senses in Monster Hunter Stories 2, though nefarious groups are trying to use this to their advantage somehow. In the midst of the chaos appears a powerful Rathalos hatchling capable of destroying civilization — or being your cute best friend.
Apparently, your choices determine how the Rathalos grows, though it’s not yet certain if Monster Hunter Stories 2 features branching narrative paths.
It does feature a gene-splicing mechanic, however, where you can mix and match genes between eggs to influence how your Monsties grow. It also features a huge Palico called Sarge, pictured at the top of the post, the former superior officer to your companion Navirou who’s just begging for a plushy.
The Monster Hunter Stories 2 deluxe edition comes with an outfit for Ena, layered armor for you, and outfits for some of your companions, while pre-ordering the game will get you a bonus Kamura Shrine Maiden DLC outfit for Ena.