It’s shown Mithai sees Sid’s handbag in the vehicle and understands it’s Apeksha’s vehicle and gets back to the spot. Mithai attempts to free Sid subsequent to dealing with Apeksha. Apeksha yells enough of your theatrics and attempts to hit her with a stick. Mithai stops her expression you are squandering your energy and drives her away. Apeksha tumbles down, she gets up, and hits Mithai on her head with a vessel. Sid loosens himself. Apeksha is going to go after Mithai with a stick however Sid stops her.

Girish and others come to Sid’s area with the police. They request that the police capture Apeksha. Police bring Apeksha into their authority. Shubham says Mithai track down Sid’s area and informed them. Sid goes to Mithai. Apeksha yells Mithai’s adoration is phony.

Mithai says my adoration is valid yet your fellowship is phony and love implies we want to bring life for other’s bliss yet you bombed in it and think in prison the number of connections you that lost in your frenzy and trust Gopal Ji transforms you. Apeksha demands Sid to not can’t stand her. Police take Apeksha. Sid attempts to say something. Mithai stops him and lets him know that they need to arrive at home before muhurta gets finished and they have a lifetime to talk. Sid embraces her. Ladies bring Mithai and gentlemen bring Sid. Harimohan requests that Pandit start Panigrahan with Vidi Vidhan.

Pandit concurs. Mithai and Sid trade varmala. Then, they take pheras after pooja. Next Sid ties marital chain and applies sindhur in Mithai’s hair segment. Harimohan gets profound. Chandrakantha inquires as to why he is crying. Harimohan says they are blissful tears as Aarti’s fantasy got satisfied. Pandit requests that the new couple take everybody’s gifts. They take everybody’s endowments.