Mithai lets them know what occurred. Harimohan asks how might it work out and says Apeksha brought this recipe and the sweet names yesterday she took the assistance of her companions who are in Delhi and Mumbai. Mithai says she made these desserts with her hands in this kitchen and asks Harimohan Apeksha brought them! Mithai lets them know what happened two days ago and says Apeksha could have taken the recipes when she went to bring burnool for her. Harimohan comprehends that Apeksha is behind everything.

Sid is demonstrated to drink and Apeksha makes Sid suspect Mithai that she was the person who took the sweet recipe. Sid says he doesn’t mind at all what individuals call him but since of him, his Dadu’s name got hauled in the mud. Sid faults Mithai for all that occurred. Mithai converses with Gopal Ji and becomes stressed over Sid and calls him. Sid doesn’t get her call and gives his telephone to Apeksha. Apeksha converses with Mithai on the telephone. Apeksha shares with Mithai that Sid would rather not converse with her. Mithai says she understands what game she is playing and requests that Apeksha give the telephone to Sid. Apeksha says she is brilliant and says “so you figured out I’m behind this then you likewise realize that I won’t give the telephone to Sid.” Apeksha and Mithai begin contending with one another. Apeksha tells Mithai that Sid is drinking with outrage on her. While conversing with Apeksha Mithai hears the name of the eatery.

Apeksha behaves like she is preventing Sid from drinking. At the point when Sid attempts to drink Mithai holds Sid’s glass. Sid requests that Mithai leave his glass. Mithai doesn’t leave the glass and requests that he get back home. Sid asks on which right is she asking him. Mithai says on the right that she is his significant other. Sid begins breaking the glass while he and Mithai are holding it. Blood begins emerging from both of their hands. Apeksha tells the two of them to leave the glass as blood is coming while they are both holding a breaking glass. Apeksha helps both to remember them that they are a couple and not to cause a situation in broad daylight. Mithai asks Apeksha what is she doing in a couple.

Mithai cautions Apeksha to remain in her cutoff points. Mithai shares with Sid that Apeksha did all that and says Apeksha took her recipes and sweet names. Sid asks Mithai for what valid reason would Apeksha do this. Mithai says she needs to isolate us. Sid shows the gift that Apeksha gave and shares with Mithai that Apeksha is moronic to give Mangalsutra as a gift and Sid tells Mithai what Apeksha shared with him. Sid faults Mithai and says she cheated to win in the opposition. Sid says he needs to converse with her and takes her from the café.

Harimohan and his family are stressed over Sid. Sid arrives in a tanked state with Mithai. Apeksha shares with Harimohan that she attempted to prevent Sid from drinking excessively. Apeksha expresses Sid to be cautious and says Mithai is his significant other. Sid concurs and shares with Apeksha that she is his companion and this is the restriction of fellowship and advises her to leave and says he needs to converse with Mithai his better half.