Mithai is demonstrated to be taking requests in the shop. Mithai sees that Sid brought a gift for her. Mithai opens it and sees that and it is another weighing machine. Sid says with this she will know her appropriate weight. Mithai checks it and feels cheerful. Mithai sees that Sid is pondering something. Mithai gets some information about. Sid says he doesn’t have the foggiest idea what is the thought process behind Aditya and Karishma’s marriage. Mithai says she is additionally not getting the intention behind this marriage however there is compelling reason need to stress no one’s perfect. Mithai inquires as to whether he is having a migraine. Sid says he didn’t have breakfast that is the reason.

Mithai offers him a plate of Aloo jalebi to eat. Sid says you realize I don’t eat desserts. Mithai inquires as to why, is it since it helps you to remember your mother. She says nothing bad can be said about helping him to remember his mother. She says his mother will likewise feel glad that you are recollecting her. Sid gets persuaded and attempts Aloo jalebi. Sid says they are great. Mithai offers him more and he takes the plate. Mithai sees that he has a little sweet all the rage and assists him with cleaning it.

Pradeep Sharma from Rajkamal lodgings comes to converse with Mithai about an arrangement. He advises Mithai that they need to have conventional desserts in their lodgings. He inquires as to whether they could supply them. Mithai consents to the arrangement. Pradeep Sharma says first he might want to taste a couple of their desserts. Mithai concurs and offers him their desserts. He adulates their desserts and says he will prescribe them to their proprietor. Sid says this is a major ordeal for you. Rajkamal is a big brand in neighboring regions our gatherings likewise used to be held there. Mithai says this achievement isn’t simply mine it’s our own.

Pramod converses with somebody on the telephone. Abha asks what occurred. Pramod says Rajkamal lodgings dropped our arrangement they are restricting for certain big desserts shop. We didn’t and Agarwal likewise didn’t get their arrangement. Abha asks then who took this arrangement. Mithai calls for Dadu and Dadi. Mithai says Rajkamal inn provided us an example request and on the off chance that they are sold well, they will allow us a drawn out agreement to us. Pramod gets stunned hearing it. Girish compliments them. Sid expresses profound gratitude. Pramod and Abha discuss it. Sid and Mithai go to take Gopal ji’s favors.

Girish inquires as to whether Sid will at any point acknowledge him. Harimohan says Sid is finding a way child ways to change and he will acknowledge you. Girish says he sees now why Sid loves Harimohan more than him. Sid petitions Gopal ji to make Mithai’s desires work out.

Pramod converses with Agarwal about Mithai’s arrangement with Rajkamal lodging. Agarwal asks when is the principal conveyance. Pramod says following two days. Agarwal shares with Pramod to let Harimohan know that following two days there will be a commitment of Aditya and Karishma. Then all the family will be occupied in the commitment. Then Mithai needs to do it isolated.

Pramod says in the event that she was unable to supply them desserts then Rajakamal lodgings won’t have a decision however to come for us with an agreement. Pramod says he will tell them and leaves. Aditya asks Agarwal you let me know this marriage is only a show and presently you are saying commitment. Agarwal says this commitment is only a show. Aditya says this is going excessively far regardless of whether it is show. Agarwal says there is compelling reason need to stress there are a great deal of ceremonies in Indian practice and we will get a ton of opportunities to show them how low they are. Harimohan says there is just a single day time how might we deal with this. Abha reminds Harimohan he made Mithai’s marriage in two hours and Keerti’s marriage in a day. Sid says yet tomorrow is Mithai’s big request we will be generally occupied with it. Pramod insults him and says the commitment obligation is his and he says everybody must be in Karishma’s marriage.

Episode closes The episode begins with Karishma’s mom welcoming Mr Agarwal and his loved ones. Karishma’s mom says that all that will occur according to Babuji’s desire exactly the way in which Siddharth and Ritika got hitched. Fufaji gives the obligation of occasion the executives to Siddharth saying he will get compensated 10% extra for his work. Siddharth says he will deal with the occasion cheerfully for his sister Karishma. Mithai concocts a rationalization that she believes Siddharth’s assistance should cut down some stuff in the kitchen. Siddharth goes to the kitchen.

Mithai uncovers it was a reason so she can let him know she feeling. She says Mr Agarwal and his child have a few other secret thought process and their looks were unusual as though they need this marriage for their own advantage. Siddharth says then, at that point, Karishma’s dad ought to grasp that. What can be done? He is so anxious to get Karishma hitched to Aditya. Mithai says yet they need to figure out Mr Agarwal’s genuine aims. However, for that Siddharth needs to remain calm. Mithai out of nowhere contacts the hot pot on the stove. Her hand gets scorched and Siddharth gets stressed for her.

Siddharth chastens her for her lack of regard. He takes out ice shapes from the cooler and applies it on her hand. They share a second and Mithai says she is OK. Karishma’s mom requests that Girish serve food to Agarwals. Girish denies saying its question of his regard. Karishma’s mom says theres nothing out of sorts in it, Fufaji says he additionally did numerous things which doesn’t exactly measure up for his status however he found no work as impolite why might Girish at any point serve food to visitors? They are not requesting that he wash Aditya’s feet. Dadi says she will figure out how to that