Girish gets kneeling down and asks for absolution from Harimohan and Chandrakantha. They excuse him. From that point onward, he goes to Mithai and expresses thanks to her for making him open his eyes and asks her for absolution. Mithai says don’t and advises Girish to give his endowments. After Mithai he goes to Sid and furthermore requests pardoning and says it is off-base of him to settle on Sid decision father powerfully and demands Sid to now call father. Sid doesn’t reply.

Girish goes to Shubham and asks him for absolution. Girish is going to fall yet Shubham and Sid help Girish from falling. Girish gets amazed to see Sid helping him. Agarwal and Aditya come to Chobe chateau. Agarwal insults Girish saying he didn’t realize that his relatives will be sold out this inexpensively. He says he had some awareness of Pramod as Pramod was a licking canine for us for a seriously lengthy timespan. Girish says when you accompanied a proposition to be engaged then I realize that you are planning some mischief. My main mix-up is that I confided in my family excessively much. Agarawal remarks on it.

Pramod and Abha enter the Chobe house. They express that from this point forward they are just two pieces of the Harimohan business. Abha asks Harimohan and Chandrakantha for their favors yet they don’t give her. Abha gets up and requests that they take off from the house considerately. Abhishek requests that Abha stop and says this house is in Harimohans. Pramod hinders and says the family ought to be together and advises them to serve him. Pramod behaves like he is requesting what they need to do. Girish takes a gander at him furiously. Pramod and Abha carry on like they are frightened of him. Pramod behaves like he is terrified and says no.

Pramod goes to Sid and lets him know that he will give liability to him in the event that he says no, all the family will be out of the house. He inquires as to whether he needs to think about his quietness as yes or not. Mithai says they acknowledge anything that he says. Sid and others get stunned. Pramod says it’s a decent choice. Sid leaves. Mithai follows him. Girish leaves. Pramod says Raja and Yuvraj both are furious. Sid asks Mithai for what reason she concurred. Mithai requests that Sid not fail to remember their point that they need to join the family and finally truth will win so we really want to remain here to understand what’s going on. Sid apologizes to her. Mithai inquires as to why he is saying ‘sorry’ Sid says she is sharp.

Girish requests that his folks pardon him in the event that they would be able. Abhishek asks Abha for what valid reason she is getting it done. Abha expresses it’s for their child’s prosperity. She takes his guarantee to help her choice. Shubham tells his granddad that he has no awful affections for anybody. He requests that he excuse Girish.

Girish embraces Shubham in tears. Mithai tells Harimohan that Girish is changed so pardon him. Sid requests that Girish not apologize to him as he can’t pardon him effectively and it requires investment. He leaves. Mithai says Sid is like you and he will change soon. Girish tells her that he misreads her. Mithai says they need to remain together however we need to know who’s behind Abha and Pramod’s change and plotting. Everybody looks on. Episode closes. The episode begins with Pramod spiking water. He gives that water to Girish. Girish hydrates. Abha thinks Girish needs to give them a 10% offer however presently he won’t get anything as Pramod and I will share the property. Girish feels discombobulated. The attorney calls Girish to sign the papers. Pramod holds Girish. He requests that he sign the papers. Girish is going to sign the papers. Mithai comes there and requests that he not sign the papers. Girish tells her he is doing it to show a thing or two to Sid. Abha stops Mithai and requests that Girish sign the papers. Pramod affects Girish against Sid and requests that he sign the papers to instruct illustration to Sid.

Girish feels intoxicated and falls oblivious. The legal counselor requests that they make Girish sign in the papers to get the property any other way you couldn’t give the expense to me. Mithai says they are swindling him. Abha stops her. Pramod makes Girish gain awareness. Mithai lets Girish know that they are undermining him. Abha expels Mithai and shuts the entryway. Pramod requests that Girish sign the papers. Girish signs the papers. Pramod gathers those papers then he tosses water at Girish’s face. Girish questions why he made it happen. Pramod says now is the right time to settle our records as we are liberated from you.

Sid shares with his grandparents that he will cause Shubham to get his right as Girish’s child before the family members he called. Harimohan says it’s anything but smart. Sid says show a thing or two to Girish is required. Hari Mohan says Mithai should be on way. Sid says she can’t stop him as well. Sid guarantees Shubham that he won’t allow their dad to affront him once more. Pramod and Abha leave with the Legal advisor to enroll the papers.