Girish and Abhishek go to save the shop, however thugs assault them. One of the thugs chokes them. Mithai attempts to stop him with a pole yet the hooligan takes the bar and attempts to go after her. Sid stops him and he whips thugs. One of the thugs hits Sid on his head with a sledge. Girish and Abhishek make hooligans leave from that point. Sid falls oblivious. Mithai feels stressed seeing the blood emerging from his head. They rush Sid to the clinic.

The specialist says the patient condition is basic and requests that Girish and others stand by outside. They take Sid to the activity theater. Girish says don’t have the foggiest idea who sends Thugs to shop. Hari Mohan and others come to the emergency clinic. They attempt to comfort Mithai. Mithai in tears makes sense of how hooligans went after Sid.

Hari Mohan requests that Chandrakanta stay solid. Mithai goes to Krishna Ji symbol in the mandir. She goes to god to save Sid for herself and lets him know that she can’t survive without Sid. Everybody weeps for Sid. Hari Mohan goes to Mithai. Mithai says don’t have the foggiest idea why those hooligans came and they went after Sid instead of me. She tells she can’t survive without Sid. Hari Mohan requests that she trust Gopal Ji.

Mithai and Harimohan come to the activity theater. Specialist emerges and illuminates relatives that they did the activity however Sid might fall into a state of unconsciousness in the event that he doesn’t acquire cognizance. Mithai and everybody gets stunned by these disclosures. Staff shifts Sid to Icu. Shubham cries seriously. Pramod figures Shubham might uncover everything on the off chance that he didn’t support him. He supports Shubham saying all will be great. He takes Shubham with him to clear the emergency clinic bills. Mithai sees Sid through a glass window and reviews their minutes.

Mithai figures she won’t let anything happens to her significant other. She leaves. Shubham shares with Pramod that they fouled up and they are liable for Sid’s state. He says they should be in prison for this trick. Pramod says we played this game to get Mithai far from the position and what do you acquire by uncovering this reality?

We might lose everything so keep quiet. Hari Mohan comes there and inquires as to whether they paid cash. Shubham and Pramod say they paid the cash. Hari Mohan leaves. Pramod requests that Shubham control himself. Mithai puts her hand on Diya and lets Gopal Ji know that she won’t eliminate it until Sid gets fine. She requests that he make Sid gain awareness.