Mithai sees Sid coming. Hari Mohan asks Sid what occurred. Sid tells Hari Mohan that they would have rather not talked with me however they were discussing our family matters and he likewise tells Hari mohan that his past organization gave him terrible remarks. Sid blows up and goes to his room. Mithai pursues him to converse with him. Mithai attempts to encourage Sid. Sid seeing this tahnks her. Mithai asks Sid for help saying she doesn’t comprehend the orders that come in english and she requests that he take it. Sid inquires as to whether she is requesting his assistance or giving him a task. Mithai persuades Sid saying he is her colleague and that is the reason he is asking him for help. Sid concurs. Mithai prods Sid calling him a container cap and she is the jug. Sid pursues her and they play for some time.

Girish asks Shubham how did he lost this big request. Shubham says he is in the work shop and he didn’t have any idea how this occurred. Girish converses with Shubham about it. Girish asks Shubham who got the request. Shubham says Mithai got the request. Girish says atleast not everything is awful as Mithai got the request and on the off chance that Agarwal got the request thet would need to pay for their mix-up. Mithai tells Girish not to show outrage on Shubham. Girish shares with Mithai he is simply advising Shubham to watch out. Mithai prods Shubham to be cautious saying Girish could give the HM desserts obligation to Mithai. Shubham says he will watch out. Mithai says she was simply kidding.

Girish calls for Sid and makes sense of for him what occurred. Girish additionally declares to him that he needs to give the obligation of HM desserts to Mithai. Harimohan specifies two things saying this is Shubham’s most memorable error and Mithai’s fantasy isn’t to join our business and brings up that is the reason she didn’t get the opposition together with them. Abhishek additionally reminds Girish assuming that he removed Shubham’s responisbilty after he gave it to him in only one day then Shubham could lose his self-assurance. Girish remarks on it and requests that Sid persuade Mithai to run HM desserts. Pramod records everything the thing they said about Shubham. Pramod shows this video to Shubham and says in this house both of their position is something very similar. Shubham gets stressed seeing the video and requests Pramod’s assistance. Pramod consents to help him and says no one ought to be aware of their collaboration. Pramod thinks with Shubham now he can do his thought process of.

Mithai asks Shubham for help as she can’t figure out english. Sid makes an e mial account on her name which will get orders. After the record is done they get a big request. Mithai expresses gratitude toward Sid by embracing him. Sid says that is not the way in which you embrace and attempts to embrace her once more yet Mithai takes off.

Mithai imparts this uplifting news to the family. All the family acclaims Sid and Mithai. Pramod says since no one is recruiting Sid. He isn’t futile. Sid gets injured hearing this and leaves there.